Testimonials on
providing tools & training for creating extraordinary family relationships and home life …
Some of our favorite testimonials …
Happier homes … one family at a time!
“The best thing I ever did for my family!”
“Your class is one of the greatest investments we ever made for our family. Our son stopped temper tantrums and hyperactive behavior and we created a more harmonious and caring family. The important tools of communication we all learned are priceless!”
“Your seminar was outstanding! Our daughter really learned a lot and is putting concepts to use daily. We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to present these concepts to our daughter in a fun and easy to learn way … It was life-changing.”
“After attending the seminar, our three daughters actually discuss ‘differences of opinion’ and end up friends and even HUG instead of yelling, name calling and pushing as they did for years! Peace and laughter are daily occurrences in our home now.”
“I knew right away that this was for our family. We immediately put to use these tools in our family to create the extraordinary family life that we envision.”
“My FIVE-year old son, Ricky, set a goal of reading books for the Read for Life Program to earn a trip to Disneyland/Magic Mountain. He then planned the steps (reading a lot of books every day)…and he did it. He fully expected to win, he knew he would win and he made it happen!”
“We have seen such incredible changes. Life is more fun, manageable, and enjoyable! The daily battles are almost completely nonexistent. The yelling is gone and we are actually communicating where we understand each other. Thank you for this opportunity!”
“Thank you for an inspirational weekend! It was such a wonderful ‘exercise’ seeing young minds at work–including my own. You are truly amazing in how you worked with all the kids. They really do get it … [A colleague and I] discussed the class and how much we both got out of it, even in just assisting!”